Anti-Bullying Pack


The present ANTI - BULLYING PACK constitutes one of the intellectual results produced under the frame of Erasmus + project nr 2018-1 NL01-KA229-039055 entitled " Effects of the life of Anne Frank on social inclusion today" and ran by schools in the Netherlands - Lentiz | Dalton MAVO & Het Groene Lyceum Naaldwijk / Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Dinis - Escola Básica e Secundária de D. Dinis de SantoTirso/ Belgium - Institut Notre Dame Arlon/ Poland - Zespół Szkół nr 3 Kielce in the years 2018-2020. The pack contains three documents : Anti-Bullying Contract (which will be signed by students of partner schools), Anti-Bullying Activities and Anti-Bullying Poster (which can be used as a guide and working materials to inspire those who teach about bullying at schools).

Erasmus+ Project KA229 | 2018 - 2020
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