Commemorate 75 years liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau


27th January 2020

It was exactly 75 years ago that the concentration camp of Auschwitz Birkenau, in Poland, was liberated from the Germans. The student-guides from the Anne Frank Exhibition, in the Netherlands, asked last week if they could go to the exhibition, on Monday 27th, with students from year 1 to commemorate this event. They brought candles so that each student could light one and place it in the shape of a heart. After placing all the candles, all the students held a moment of silence to remember and to pay a homage to all the victims of the holocaust. It was beautiful to see the students-guides really taking the lead and taking their responsibility to share the story with the youngsters. I was touched by this gesture of the guides and I think this shows how our project influences children in such a positive way! They are really trying to make this world a better place worth fighting for, with weapons of solidarity, understanding and respect.

Mandy Bömer

Erasmus+ Project KA229 | 2018 - 2020
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