The European Day of Languages – City Game „UE for 15“, Kielce, September 27th, 2019
We shared our knowledge and promoted the idea of our project during The European
Day of Languages - City Game "UE for 15" organized in Kielce on September 27th, 2019.
The European Day of Languages - City Game "UE for 15" is the educational event which has been organised in the city of Kielce for the seventh time by SODMiDN Kielce and this year alongside with Zespół Szkół nr 3 in Kielce (Technikum nr 8 im. Marii Skłodowskiej - Curie w Kielcach and VII LO im. Józefa Piłsudskiego in Kielce.
Our school contributed greatly in organising this event. Participants of the Erasmus + project "Effects of the life of Anne Frank on social inclusion today" prepared one station where they managed to use their knowledge and information from their mobilities to Belgium and the Netherlands. They shared it with their younger students from primary schools.
The European Day of Languages - City Game "UE na 15" took place on September 27th, 2019 as a part of celebration entering Poland into the European Union. This event combining education and entertainment was organised by Teachers' Training Centre (SODMiDN) in Kielce. Students and teachers from twenty schools in Kielce were welcomed by head teacher of our school dr Iwona Kijewska and vice president of Kielce Mr Marcin Różycki.
The European Day of Languages - City Game is an innovative and attractive way to promote the idea of learning different languages, but also discovering the city and having fun. It is also very effective tool for achieving greater intercultural understanding - a lot of "Game stations" were set in places of culture and education.
Like in other games or scavenger hunts participants were divided into groups, they were equipped with maps, directions, instructions, working sheets. Within three and half hour they had to find 15 "Game stations" in Kielce eg. OMPiO, Muzeum Historii Kielc, Muzeum Zabawy i Zabawek, Muzeum Narodowe, BWA, they met and talked to native speakers of English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German.
One of the station was prepared to promote the story of "Anne Frank Diary". It was also a chance both for students and foreign volunteers to talk about the project, its benefits and results. Participants of the project could learn a lot about WWII, literature, social problems and challenges.
This year edition of the City Game European Day of Languages had a subtitle "UE for 15" which was related to the fifteenth anniversary of Poland entering the European Union, this theme was observed in all tasks. During the Game students reflected the benefits of being a part of UE; project "Effects of the life of Anne Frank on social inclusion today" is one of of them.
The materials produced for The European Day of Languages - City Game: the seventh
edition will be placed in the educational bulletin, prepared by the teachers advisors at
Teachers' Training Centre as an open source, available on the webpage of SODMiDN Kielce.