Let us introduce ourselves
The Project Team
We are a group of four partner schools from four different countries, coordinated by the partner from The Netherlands. Belgium, Poland and Portugal are the other members of this team.
Our work for the next two years will have the support of the House of Anne Frank from Amsterdam. Together we will be able to develop a set of activities with a group of students from each country, aiming for the increase of social awareness against bullying and prejudices. We will also take a look into the lives of Jewish people during the Second World War.
Anne Frank House
The Anne Frank House is also a partner of this project. It was established on 3 May 1957 in cooperation with Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father. It is an independent non-profit organisation that runs a museum in the house where Anne Frank went into hiding. The museum tries to increase awareness of Anne's life story all over the world.
The Anne Frank House provides an educational service and promotes several exhibitions on Second World War and Anne Frank's life.
You can find more information on the website: